Saturday, November 22, 2008

Christmas Limbo

What is Christmas Limbo? It is a place and time that makes one feel stuck between past and present Christmas. Now don’t get me wrong… I know I have blessings all around me. My children, home, a good job, pets who adore me, new friends, and a faithful, ever present, Lord. In my southern expression, "I am just not feelin’ it (the holiday spirit) right now. " I feel worn out, lack luster, and generally feel sad. I miss sharing this time with my beloved. It takes an incredible level of energy to celebrate the holidays. I also think that once the gifts are opened that this special day will be but a memory easily replaced by older fonder Christmas memories with Dave.

I have done all the obligatory tasks. I have shopped for my son and daughter, ordered food, and decorated the inside of the home. I have been touched by the Christmas carols and songs about the Christmas Shoes. I have remembered the Christmas story and know that the lesson learned is “All is Well” and our Savior makes this life worth living.

I just don’t feel enough this Christmas to go through the motions of making today like Christmas past. It isn't going to be. A common widow expression is, "It is what it is." It is our way of coping with the truth of our reality.

I just feel empty, overlooked, and unlovely. Lord, I know these things are not the truth, but I need my heart filled up again. I need the zest for living this life and living it well. I need to be appreciated and cared for. I need your arms around me this night, so that I feel your protection. Renew your spirit within me. Give me hope and allow me to see things as they are in the light of your love.

I have wonderful friends who have invited me over for Christmas dinner and I am grateful, but this work has to be done on the inside out of me. I have to know that "All is Well" and "It is Well with My Soul" to truly enjoy Christmas and get out of the Christmas Limbo mindset.

When I researched the scriptures on the birth of Christ, the question struck me as to why would I ever expect this to be easy when Jesus' birth was not ideal.

Matthew 1:18 This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. (NIV)

Mary and Joseph chose to be obedient to the Lord in their circumstances.

Matthew 1:22-23 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"which means, "God with us."

I hold that reassurance in my heart that God is with us, even in Christmas Limbo. That can put this Christmas and Christmas's to come in a whole new perspective.

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